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Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence

We all experience painful losses, frustrations, and times when our tasks seem foreboding, if not impossible. Let's break the silence by building meaningful human connection because we are not alone. Join us in thinking about the unthinkable, working to de-stigmatize talking about mental health, and creating a call to action around this important topic. We all sense its importance, but few of us are confident in our ability to ask a colleague if they are at risk.  

Why it matters: Will you join us in taking a few steps toward creating a culture of vulnerability? Use these resources to feel more confident talking about mental health and checking in with your colleagues. Learn more here.  

Workshop: Suicide Prevention in the Workplace  

Suicide Prevention in the Workplace: Noticing and Responding to Co-workers in Distress 

Join Lyra for Suicide prevention in the workplace: Noticing and responding to coworkers in distress workshop.  This workshop will help you to recognize warning signs for suicide and emotional distress and walk you through action steps to take to express concern and connect your colleague to the appropriate level of support. 

September 9th at 12noon 

September 16th at 10am 

September 25th at 12noon