Leave of Absence & Accommodation Administration Transition
Care Along Your Journey
Beginning June 1,2025, our internal Absence Disability Management (ADM)
team will administer your leave of absence and accommodations request
via our new LeaveCareConnect platform.
Why it matters:
LeaveCareConnect will provide you with holistic support to help you take
the time you need to navigate personal, health or family matters without
the pressure of work. We're sharing this information now to help support
you during this transition.
Prepare for the transition
As we shift from Sedgwick to our ADM team, we have started a temporary
process for handling current and new accommodation cases. All open and
active accommodation cases were transferred to the ADM team by Sedgwick
on January 1, 2025.
Accommodations under federal or other laws, like the ADA and PWFA, should
now be reported through
MyChooseWell.org. Follow the instructions to complete the accommodation request.
Accommodation reporting and case management will move to LeaveCareConnect.
All open cases will be transferred to this new platform automatically, with
no action needed from you or your core leader.
Sedgwick will continue to manage all leave and disability cases through
May 31, 2025. Go to
MyChooseWell.org to report a leave of absence.
Some communication channels and e-mail inboxes managed by Sedgwick have
changed due to a change in their claim service model during this transition.
Continue responding to emails from Sedgwick
Submit all necessary documentation to Sedgwick until May 31, 2025
For questions, contact Sedgwick via the
mySedgwick app or call 855-537-4370
Sedgwick will transfer all active leave and disability cases to the ADM
by June 1, 2025. No action from you or your core leader will be needed.
After the transfer, an ADM case manager will take over your case.