Battled with Anxiety and Depression
- Location: Post Falls Idaho,

I grew up in Eastern Oregon and had great parents. I had a pretty secure and happy childhood. I still grew up with allot of negative as an adult that seemed to hold me back from enjoying life. There were times I felt like i could do so much better. I battled anxiety and depression later in life. I told nobody as I was ashamed and felt extremely embarrassed. Depression runs in my family and i knew i could eventually deal with it. I strengthened my spiritual maturity and I let go. I gave up the things I couldn't control and took control of the things I could. Perhaps part of my issue was that I had everything backwards and upside down. I found my sense of humor and changed my perspective. Things became lighter and more fun. I started to focus on others more and live a life of service. Now I have purpose. I love my life and I am on a mission to make a difference. Love others, Live life to the fullest and have fun doing it all.