Choose Well Is a Terrific Program!

Choose Well is a terrific program! I find myself referring to the recipes, stress buster messages, the daily cards, and the little reminders to create better habits! I love to exercise and love pushing myself to be healthier and make better choices. I’m human so sometimes it’s not easy to make good choices tho. But this program reminds me it’s doable in a fun way. Having Choose Well to be accountable to, has helped me achieve many of my goals! At noon a friend and I walk at the fastest pace possible to track our heart rates and our speed. She uses her Apple Watch which is highly accurate, rather than my cheaper tracking device. We keep trying to break our speed record each day. We both feel so much better for taking just that 1/2 hr in the middle of the day to re-group and come back to work re-energized and refreshed! For me, this program is terrific and I give it an A+. It really works for me! Because of Choose Well, I participated in Heart to Start this year and loved the program, camaraderie, and the health benefits. It’s been great!