Eat Healthier and Better

Since diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, my eating habits have changed. Less cookies although I liked the ginger cookies as the ginger soothes your stomach aches. The fact that I could not indulge in with the kids in a bucket of ice cream and binge on cookies has been a trial. But as I began to eat healthier and better, the foods when I fall off the wagon tasted too sweet and too salty. It just goes to show where commercial food preparation puts so much sugar and salt that is over-indulgent. This however made me start losing weight. I am of small stature to begin with so loss of weight was not what I expected. I feel that watching what I eat is making me feel better and less sluggish. I think it was because I was DM 2 that was making me so sluggish. So this has helped me change a lot. Get yourself checked out if you haven't. Even this physician needed a physician.