Finally found my balance
- Location: Walla Walla,

I was slowly killing myself by being such a great nurse and director but ignoring my own health for a decade. I had a sedentary position and my BP was continuously rising. Each time I went to my provider hoping I could get off one of my BP meds, they added another one. I felt like such a failure. Fortunately I got a wake up call one day when I started having chest pressure and my BP was 180/110 (on meds!) My provider and my supervisor both agreed I needed to significantly change many of the stressors in my life…I’ll cut to the chase and spare you the details… We sold the house we lived in for three decades and relocated to a smaller town. I went back to doing patient care and no longer have the pressure of payroll, traveling, hiring and firing, training, etc. I work 20 hours per week. Downshifting was an adjustment at first because so much of my self worth was tied up in serving people. I just needed to find a different way to do that. I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren now. I picked up a couple of hobbies. I volunteer through my church. I meet with a group of women once a month. My home is quiet, peaceful and organized. I’ve finally found that elusive work/life balance. My BP is typically 108/62. It took some very big (and terrifying) changes to get here. Don’t be afraid to step out if the life you’re living now is not good for you. What you will find is so much better than you can imagine!