From sad and depresses to proud and determined
- Location: Spokane,

I started my weight loss journey in July of 2021. I was tipping the scale close to 300 pounds. I was so uncomfortable in my skin and just felt miserable all of the time. Most daily tasks were daunting and difficult to achieve without intense effort and persistence. I was sad, depressed and withdrawn from the usual activities that once used to bring me joy. I slowly started to make healthier choices and new habits. Over the last 2 years I have lost almost a 100 pounds and am more determined than ever to continue until I reach my goal of not only weight loss but for continues mental well being and daily self care. One of my new passions is paddle boarding. I year ago it took at least 20 tries just to balance for more than 10 seconds and today I am able to paddle for 2 or more hours without losing my balance. I couldn't be more proud of myself and all I have accomplished.