Healthy Again
- Location: EVERETT,

I was at work one day on a saturday and I was 8 months pregnant., 31 weeks with my first girl. I was having a headache for about 2 days and decided to ask the nurse to take my BP. she took it twice and it was high. I spoke to OB ER triage and they told me to come in. I ended up getting admitted to the hospital and was there for a total of 8 days and my baby ended up in the NICU for almost 5 weeks. I developed several complications and thought I was going to die. I had a DVT after my c section, I had sever pre eclampsia and was put on BP meds, and had the baby early due to her not growing in utero. Then I was having horrible chest and back pain with shortness of breath, several ER and doctor visits later they found my hear and lungs were fine, and all my other organs. BUT I had really bad GERD which was causing all those horrible symptoms. Now I am so happy that mostly all the bad symptoms went away, but I never thought i was going to make it and be healthy again. I was so afraid of dying and not being able to raise all my kids and my first baby girl. But I went back to work, took all my meds like I was suppose to and now im back doing everything I did before! and more!