I decided to go the gym
- Location: Tacoma,

When I was 21 I got in a car accident and visited my DR. At that age they wanted to put me on High Blood pressure medication. For me that was a wake up call and I decided to go to the gym. I had been a member for years on a family membership but never used it. My first day because I was new i got targeted by a sales guy who told me his success story losing weight and sold me that if he did it I could too. I ended up joining the Biggest loser competition the gym hosted for 90 days. And I lost 93 lbs in that time and changed my life. I have worked out consistently 10 years now and believe that the accident saved my life. Anyone can make a change and completely revitalize their body if they truly desire it more than anything else. you have the power within you. Do not allow yourself to dishonor your own commitment to yourself, keep your word and fulfill the promises you make to yourself, and you will gain a completely new level of respect for yourself and your word.