I Pride Myself for Being Active

I pride myself for being active, by participating in 4-5 times of high intensity interval training, strength training twice a week, doing long distance races et al. So by no means, am I one to sit and not do anything. However, when I don't feel well, which is rare thanks to an active lifestyle, I always nurse it by sitting or laying down and doing absolutely nothing. This happened last week when I woke up on Sunday early hours of the morning with a cold sweat feeling sick in my stomach. The whole Sunday I laid down and had almost zero activities. Sunday evening hits and my husband asked if I am interested to go for a walk and I hesitated. At that time coincidentally, a reminder from Virgin Pulse popped up on my phone asking if I synced my watch for my steps. That was when I said to myself yes, I need to move. I need to feel better and getting some fresh air should do me only good. After a 3.25 mile walk with my husband through the fields behind our neighborhood, I was feeling much much better for the first time that day. Having the app is not by any means life changing but what counts for me is that it definitely did me more good than if I didn't have the app to remind me!