Making More Healthy Choices Has Changed My Life

When I was 32 I was 274 lbs, slept all the time and felt sluggish and tired all the time, since then I have lost over 60 lbs, and feel more energy and better stamina than I have since I was a teenager. I found out at 32 I had Hashimoto disease. I had this treated and dropped 20 lbs right away. A year and a half ago I was noticing that the patients on the stroke unit I work on were getting younger and younger and the amount of diabetes was rising and rising. I knew I was at high risk of being overweight and I needed to do something. I knew a fad diet wouldn't work and I needed to find something that I could do for the rest of my life. I did tons of research and decided to cut out all meat and most dairy products in my diet. I started this and felt so good right away, my energy went through the roof, I was never over full but also never hungry, I felt so good I started working out at least a few times a week and loved it. since becoming a vegetarian I have lost another 40+ lbs and am at 212lbs and feel great. making more healthy choices has changed my life for the better in so many ways, as great as losing weight was it was never the goal I know I'm healthier now than I have been in literally decades and have made changes that are lasing and continue to make me healthier and stronger. I highly encourage anyone struggling to not worry about the time it takes little changes to add up and before you know it you are doing things you thought were not achievable.