My Discipline Is Stronger
I never paid attention to my weight and was well over 300lbs when I was pregnant with my son 11 years ago. I didn't feel like I was overweight. My numbers were fine, BP, cholesterol, Glucose. I never heard the phrase "pre-diabetes" from any of my Doctors. Other than extreme morning sickness, my pregnancy was healthy. I was working in my first MA job when I realized I needed to do something. I took a picture with my coworkers and realized I was much larger than they were. It wasn't that anyone else was unhappy with it, but I was. I decided then and there that something needed to be done. I invested in a treadmill and researched different workouts on the treadmill in the time I had with a toddler and a full-time job. I started watching my portions and what I ate and before I knew I had lost 50lbs. Its been an up and down rollercoaster with my weight since then, but now I am back on my journey and am about 100lbs less than I was when I started. I had struggles and discovered I had PCOS, which had made my struggle make sense. With perseverance and my family's support, I am where I am and still going. I work out at the gym 5-6 times a week and even go after work even when I've worked 12 hours. I had other struggles along the way with Family issues, but have always made sure to carve out small amounts of time for me, and used that time for reflection or working out, or both. I learned to make myself forge ahead even when I was unmotivated. I am all for being a positive sound piece for other women (or men) struggling like I did. I still have my struggles, but my discipline is stronger.