Rebooting My Metabolism
- Location: Spokane,

I've been overweight most of my life. One diet or fitness plan after another and I always end up at the same place, gaining it all back and then some. I even had lapband surgery several years ago only to develop a digestive disorder because I was loosing weight to fast and my system couldn't discard the "poisons" stored in my fat so they were bouncing around to find a new home creating cancer like symptoms. So even that failed. I was ready to give up and then I met a physician who had an idea and it seems to be working. Rather than try to loose the #100 I needed to loose all in one fell swoop I now try to loose only 10% of my current body weight and then maintain that weight for 6 - 12 months. This "reboots" my metabolism and my body resets it's happy weight. My first round was approximately 25 # and maintaining that weight became simpler and simpler as time went by. By the end of my 12 months I was still at that goal weight. I'm now on round two. I'll keep you all posted.