Where's There a Will There is a Way!!
- Location: Tigard,

I am 5'4" and at my highest weight I was 289lbs pre-Covid. I worked in the office, I commuted everyday and I am a single mother of two. I also take care of my cousin and my mother. Needless to say stress was plentiful and I found myself stress eating. I ate in the cafe in the morning, at lunch and snacks. There was candy readily available in my department....I ate a lot of that too as I found it a substitute for alcohol when I quit drinking. Obviously I was obese and was starting to see my health decline. I made a decision that I was going to start working on ME in December/January of 2020. I started working from home, I had less stress of commuting, the cafe was not available and neither was the endless candy dish. I started to lose weight and was working the weight loss program that Providence offered. I had to do something!! I had also been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Then Covid hit....I was scared as it hits people like me hard but, I got Covid in September of 2020 anyway. I was lucky in the sense that it did not go in to my lungs but, I had every other symptom imaginable. It scared me enough to really kick start my health journey. I joined Weight Watchers, I watch my portions and what I am eating. As of today, I have lost 110lbs. It's been hard, there are days I feel like cheating and some days I do but, I accept that and work harder the next day. I have a will to get back to the weight I was in my 20's...I am now 50!! I am 50 and at the healthiest I have been since I was 23. I don't drink alcohol but on rare occasion, I watch what and how much I eat and I am happy to say that my recent cholesterol numbers are in good shape and I am no longer type 2 diabetic, I am not even pre-diabetic anymore!! My BMI dropped significantly and I am 10lbs away from being just overweight rather than obese. My enegery level is through the roof and I am certainly a happier and less stressed person! Where's there a will there is a way!!