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"I was living in a busy city of California, I felt tired and stressed from my hectic work and personal life. I decided to make a change by ..." - Joanna Kovac
"Twelve years ago, I checked into a hotel with a plan, but it wasn't for a vacation. I didn't tell anyone how low I was feeling. On the outside, I was ..." - Julie B.
"When I started the program a year ago it really helped to motivate me. Goals were measurable and I could track my progress easily. The competitions ..." - Liana M
"Learning to love a body that I have taught to dislike my entire existence has been more than a challenge. health trends, diet fads and the "ideal" ..." - Sova Norton
"I was overweight. I decided to lose weight and get in shape. I lost 100 lbs with intermittent fasting and walking, then running. I've maintained my ..." - Mark Blewett